
Course Description

The Advanced Certificate in Professional Coaching (ACPC) is an intensive, practical and cohort-based program that introduces you to the knowledge and skills required to effectively coach individuals and members of a team towards growth, through change. 

This certificate is designed in alignment with the ICF Core Competencies and Code of Ethics. Participants will come away with the Advanced Certificate in Professional Coaching when all program requirements are met and after successfully completing their final coaching demonstration. Participants will have practiced and been assessed against the ICF core coaching competencies and code of ethics, leading to proficiency at an associate level within this framework.


Learner Outcomes

By completing this program, participants will: 

  • Participants will be able to demonstrate ICF core coaching competencies, including effective communication - active listening, powerful inquiry, partnership, creating awareness, and designing action
  • Apply the coach approach in alignment with the ICF code of ethics, in diverse contexts
  • Become familiar with the history, practice and theory of coaching
  • Be able to partner ethically with a client to create the conditions for insight and clarity  
  • Be able to provide and receive strengths-based feedback on coaching 
  • Practice real coaching engagements with clients 
  • Have increased self-awareness through reflective practice and completion of assessments 
  • Develop an inclusive and equity-focused lens 
  • Articulate their own coaching style and begin to develop an understanding of coaching as a professional practice
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