

Garden Fundamentals is an online, on-demand course that teaches students about “best practice” approaches to gardening on the Canadian Prairies, pesticide-free. Learn the science of gardening!  

Understanding basic horticulture will help answer many common gardening problems and will help you to become a better gardener. 

We begin with a brief overview of our approach to gardening, do a deep dive into soil health, then focus on relevant plant growth and botany, and conclude with direct advice on how to garden effectively.

Included in the course are on-demand video lectures, handouts, and online multiple-choice testing that students can use as study tools until they are satisfied with their knowledge. 

This course is required for the completion of the Master Gardener Certificate.

You have one year from the course registration date to complete the course on CANVAS, as well as other previously registered Master Gardner courses you are registered in.

For technical assistance, please contact gardening@usask.ca 

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Garden Fundamentals
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
  • Online Platform - Canvas
Delivery Options
Online Platform - Canvas  
Course Fee(s)
Registration Fee non-credit $180.00
Drop Request Deadline
No drop request allowed after enrollment
Transfer Request Deadline
No transfer request allowed after enrollment
Section Notes


For access today, after registration is completed, please log in to the Canvas Platform to access the course.

Please use your USask NSID (the first six characters from your @usask.ca email address found on your student profile; e.g. abc123@usask.ca) and your password to log in to your Canvas account.

You have one year from the course registration date to complete the course on CANVAS, as well as other previously registered Master Gardner courses you are registered in.

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