
Course Description

Think about the greatest story you've ever read or the best speech you've ever heard.  What made it unforgettable?  Effective communication is a process that involves both the head and the heart.  Communication is a hybrid course with an online and a live session component.  You must complete Part 1 before you attend Part 2. 

  • Part 1 is an online course where you learn independently, at your own pace.
  • Part 2 is online with an instructor via zoom and is scheduled three times per year in the fall, winter and spring.  You'll need to complete the learning handout from Part 1, the online portion of this course, and bring the handout with your completed results to the live session.

You have one year from the course registration date to complete the course on CANVAS, as well as other previously registered Master Gardner courses you are registered in.

For technical assistance, please contact gardening@usask.ca 


Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Communications (MGCC) - Part 1
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
  • Online Platform - Canvas
Delivery Options
Online Platform - Canvas  
Course Fee(s)
Registration Fee non-credit $50.00
Drop Request Deadline
No drop request allowed after enrollment
Transfer Request Deadline
No transfer request allowed after enrollment
Section Notes


For access today, after registration is completed, please log in to the Canvas Platform to access the course.

Please use your USask NSID (the first six characters from your @usask.ca email address found on your student profile; e.g. abc123@usask.ca) and your password to log in to your Canvas account.

You have one year from the course registration date to complete the course on CANVAS, as well as other previously registered Master Gardner courses you are registered in.

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