

Accessible Pharmacies: Understanding Disability and Creating Inclusive Spaces is designed to introduce you to concepts related to disability equity and to give you resources to ensure the pharmacy you work in is accessible and inviting to your disabled patients and colleagues.

This course will cover:

  • Your legal responsibilities to disabled patients

  • Tools to approach physical and communication accommodations with patients

  • Language to use to discuss and describe disability

Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course, learners should be able to

Module 1: Introducing Disability

  • Compare and contrast different definitions and understandings of disability.
  • Reflect on their understanding and assumptions surrounding disability and relate it to how they connect with people who are disabled.
  • Explain their professional responsibilities to disabled patients.

Module 2: Accessibility in the Pharmacy

  • Examine their current working environment for accessibility and discover areas for improvement.
  • Explore and select accessibility improvements to apply based on their role in the pharmacy.
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Accessible Pharmacies: Understanding Disability and Creating Inclusive Spaces - SK
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
  • Online Platform - Canvas
Delivery Options
Online Platform - Canvas  
Course Fee(s)
Pharmacy Professionals non-credit $40.00
2 CEUs
Drop Request Deadline
No drop request allowed after enrollment
Transfer Request Deadline
No transfer request allowed after enrollment
Section Notes


For access today, after registration is completed, please log in to the Canvas Platform to access the course. 

  • Please use your USask NSID (the first six characters from your @usask.ca email address found on your student profile; e.g. abc123@usask.ca) and your password to log in to your Canvas account.

You will have access to this course for one year from the date of your registration.

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