

Irrigation Management describes how to maintain optimal soil moisture for crop water demand and site conditions.

The course is divided into four sections/modules. Each section is intended to take between 2-4 hours to complete. The intent is that one section/module is completed per week but you are free to adjust the timing for completion to fit your schedule. You will need to complete all sections and quizzes indicated on the Canvas course page, to complete the course.


Learner Outcomes

After completing the module learners will:

  • Be able to describe the different approaches to irrigation scheduling
  • Be able to relate crop-water use at different physiological growth stages to evapotranspiration, soil moisture, and water requirements
  • Be able to describe methods to determine soil moisture levels
  • Be able to define water-use efficiency and relate it to sustainable irrigation

Course 6 - Required for Irrigation Agronomy stream.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Course 6 - Irrigation Management
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
  • Online Platform - Canvas
Delivery Options
Online Platform - Canvas  
Course Fee(s)
Registration Fee non-credit $300.00
Drop Request Deadline
5 days after enrollment
Transfer Request Deadline
No transfer request allowed after enrollment
Section Notes

Canvas Platform - You can access and view your courses, including upcoming ones you are registered for, on your Canvas Course page https//canvas.usask.ca/courses.  Access this page by logging in with your University of Saskatchewan NSID and password. 

Cancellation Policy - Cancellation must be received within 5 days of registration and will be subject to a $35.00 + tax administration fee.  

If you have any questions about the courses, please contact irrigation@usask.ca.

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