Sustainable Irrigation (Irrigation Agronomy) provides opportunity for the learner to develop the understanding and practical skills required for farm level management to adjust agronomic packages and practices to optimize benefits of irrigated cropping systems and data-driven application of irrigation to ensure water is applied at the right time, in the right place and at the right amount for maximum sustainable yields

Required Courses (to be taken in the order below):

Each course requires approximately 13 hours to complete.

The course materials are available online and may be completed asynchronously (this does not apply to the in-person competency assessment for the optional micro-credentials). Each course is divided into four sections, and each section is intended to take between 2 and 4 hours to complete. The intent is that one section is completed per week, but learners are free to adjust their pace within the course dates to fit individual schedules

  • Course 1 - Overview of Irrigation 
  • Course 2 - Irrigation Systems
  • Course 5 - Irrigated cropping Systems
  • Course 6 - Irrigation Management
  • Sustainable Irrigation-Irrigation Agromony Micro-credential

Micro-credential component - In-person micro-credential event, July 2025

Upon completion of the courses, learners receive verification of completion and become eligible for entering a micro-credential corresponding to the specialization earned. At the three-day, in-person micro-credential course learners demonstrate competency in all learning objectives. 

The Sustainable Irrigation program is a non-credit community-level program. Learners have the option to use their completed courses in this program towards two different micro-credentials - Sustainable Irrigation - Irrigation Agronomy and Sustainable Irrigation - Water Management. 
Learners are introduced to the conditions required for sustainable irrigation, including topics related to protection of the environment, regulations, technical design, water management and farm management. The program focuses on developing the foundational knowledge required for sound decision making in irrigated agriculture. 
Program Outline 
Learners must complete a minimum of four courses to complete the program with the option of completing all six. Two courses, Overview of Irrigation and Irrigation Systems are required prerequisites for any of the remaining courses. 
A specialization in Water Management can be earned by completing the required prerequisite courses and two additional courses, Water Conveyance and Water Management and Drainage. A specialization in Irrigation Agronomy is earned by completing the prerequisite courses and the courses Irrigated Cropping Systems and Irrigation Management. A learner may complete all six courses and earn both specializations. 
Upon completion of a specialization, learners receive verification of completion and become eligible to expand their knowledge through a micro-credential corresponding to the specialization(s) earned. The micro-credential is an in-person three-day course where learners demonstrate competency in all learning objectives. For more information, contact

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